Tabletop role-playing game
Dragon Ball Z: The Anime Adventure Game, a tabletop role-playing game produced by R. Talsorian Games, was published in 1999.[196][197]
Tokoh-tokoh Dragon Ball
Dragon Ball Z dimulai pada saat setelah "timejump" yaitu tepatnya setalah Goku menjadi remaja/dewasa. Pertama kali terlihat pada pertandingan Tenka Ichi Budokai. Bertemu lagi dengan Chi-Chi yang pada masa kecil berjanji untuk menikah. Singkat ceritanya finalnya adalah Piccolo muda melawan Goku. Setelah Goku mengalahkan Piccolo, dia lalu memulai keluarga dengan Chi-Chi.
Tenkaichi Budokai adalah pertarungan bela diri sejagat. yang diadakan 5 tahun sekali (kemudian menjadi 3 tahun sekali). Peserta datang dari berbagai jenis ras yang ada di dunia Dragon Ball. Peserta juga datang dengan bermacam macam tujuan, ada yang ingin menguji sejauh mana kemampuan bertarungnya, ada yang berharap pada uang yang didapat, ada yang memang bertujuan untuk menghabisi lawannya.
Goku yang telah berkeluarga, memiliki seorang anak yang bernama Gohan, nama ini diambil dari mendiang kakek Goku. Ketika Goku yang sedang mengajak Gohan mampir di Kame House, tiba-tiba bumi dikejutkan kedatangan bangsa Saiya yang bernama Raditz, akhirnya diketahui bahwa dia adalah kakak kandung Goku. Dia menceritakan asal usul Goku yang ternyata berasal dari planet Vegeta, sekaligus nama aslinya, Kakarot.
Tujuan Goku dikirim ke bumi adalah untuk memusnahkan penduduk bumi yang kemudian planet Bumi akan dikuasai oleh bangsa Saiya. Karena menolak melaksanakan perintah kakaknya, Raditz menyandera Gohan. karena piccolo juga di hajar oleh Raditz maka piccolo pun bergabung dengan Goku. Akhir pertarungan Goku tewas berkorban bersama Raditz. Namum sebelum mati, melalui scouter Raditz memberitahukan kepada dua orang bangsa Saiya lainnya yang akan datang ke Bumi setahun mendatang. Scouter adalah alat canggih berbentuk kacamata, yang digunakan untuk berkomunikasi oleh para Saiya, dan juga mampu untuk mendeteksi level tarung seseorang.
Piccolo lalu mengambil Gohan untuk dilatih menghadapi bangsa Saiya yang akan datang tersebut. Dia melatih Gohan tanpa belas kasihan. Akhirnya tiba saat penentuan. Sementara itu Goku berlatih di dunia orang mati bersama King Kai, agar bisa menghadapi musuh berikutnya.
Setelah pertempuran dengan Vegeta dan Nappa di bumi, yang memakan korban para Z-fighters, temasuk Piccolo, maka Dragon Ball pun turut musnah. Setelah berdiskusi dengan King Kai, diketahui bahwa di planet Namek, planet asal dari Piccolo masih terdapat spesies bangsa Namek yang masih hidup dan berkembang. Dengan demikian para Z-fighters berharap ada Dragon Ball di planet tersebut dan berangkat dengan pesawat luar angkasa bangsa namek asli yang membutuhkan waktu sekitar 3 bulan untuk sampai ke planet Namek. Setelah sampai di planet Namek, planet itu ternyata sudah dijajah oleh Frieza dan kroni-kroninya yang mempunya power level jauh lebih kejam dan lebih kuat dari Vegeta. Bahkan alat komunikasi dan pesawat luar angkasa mereka dihancurkan.
Sementara itu di Bumi, Goku yang masih terbaring di rumah sakit, mendapat kunjungan dari Yajirobe yang memberikan kacang ajaib yang disebut kacang Senzu yang berkhasiat tidak hanya mengenyangkan saja tetapi dapat menyembuhkan segala macam penyakit, patah tulang, pendarahan dalam, patah leher, kejang kejang, pegel linu dan masuk angin dengan seketika. Setelah sembuh segera ia menyusul Bulma, Gohan dan Krillin yang telah berangkat lebih dahulu dengan pesawat lebih canggih yang dibuat berdasarkan pesawat bangsa Saiya, hanya membutuhkan waktu sekitar 1 bulan. Dalam perjalanannya Goku berlatih di dalam pesawatnya yang telah dilengkapi mesin gravitasi x 100 oleh bantuan Dr. Briefs (ayahnya Bulma).
Dalam pertengahan cerita, Vegeta terpaksa bergabung dengan Z-fighters demi mengalahkan Frieza. Namun akhirnya tewas oleh Frieza, setelah ia menceritakan legenda Super Saiyan kepada Goku. Akhir cerita, Goku akhirnya berubah menjadi Super Saiyan namun hanya sekejap karena pada saat pertarungan berakhir, ternyata planet Namek meledak hancur berkeping-keping.
Setelah planet Namek meledak. Mendadak Z-fighters dikejutkan oleh kedatangan seorang pemuda yang menghabisi Frieza dengan wujud Super Saiyan. Bahkan lebih mengejutkan ia mengatakan bahwa Goku masih hidup dari ledakan di planet Namek.
Setelah menanti selama 3 jam, akhirnya Goku sampai di bumi, dan si pemuda misterius itu mengungkapkan (hanya kepada Goku) bahwa ia adalah pemuda dari masa depan yang bernama Trunks. Ia mengatakan bahwa pada waktu XXX akan muncul dua androids yang sangat hebat dan sadis yang membuat masa depan seperti neraka, bahkan dalam wujud Super Saiyan sekalipun mereka tidak tertandingi dan membunuh seluruh Z-fighters. Ia bercerita bahwa Goku pada masa depan bukanlah terbunuh oleh android melainkan oleh suatu penyakit. Demi mencegah masa depan yang dialaminya, Trunks memberikan obat dari masa depan yang mengakibatkan dunia paralel.
Dari garis waktu yang menyimpang tersebut, muncul lagi dua android yang tidak diketahui, yaitu Android #19 dan Android #20 (Dr. Gero) yang memiliki dendam kepada Goku karena pada waktu kecil, Goku telah menghancurkan Red Ribbon Army (Tentara Pita Merah). Mereka sangatlah kuat. Android #20 nyaris membunuh Yamcha dengan menyerap habis energinya.Tetapi bisa diselamatkan dengan kacang senzu. Sementara Goku memulai pertarungannya dengan Android #19. Tetapi Android #19 lebih kuat dari Goku. Goku hampir terbunuh sama halnya dengan Yamcha. Akan tetapi, tiba-tiba penyakit jantung yang pernah diceritakan oleh trunks menyerang Goku lebih awal dari yang diperkirakan. Yamcha langsung membawa dan merawat Goku.
Vegeta yang baru saja berlatih di luar angkasa pulang kembali ke bumi dengan kemampuan barunya untuk menjadi super saiya-jin. Ia mengalahkan Android #19 dengan menggunakan jurus Big Bang Attack. Android #20 yang sudah hampir terkalahkan dan terbongkar identitasnya, Kembali ke laboratoriumnya yang terletak di gunung utara untuk mengaktifkan kembali Android #17 dan Android #18. Inilah android yang pernah diceritakan oleh Trunks. Tetapi, mereka lebih kuat dari perkiraan Trunks.Tapi bukan android lah yang menjadi permasalahan, melainkan sebuah robot organik yang bernama Cell. Cell belum sekuat yang dikira, sampai akhirnya di pertengahan cerita, Cell menyedot android 17 dan 18 dan berubah menjadi Cell dalam bentuk yang sempurna.
Diawali dengan pertandingan bela diri sejagat yang kembali diadakan. Kejuaraan ini diikuti oleh Goku yang sengaja datang dari alam orang mati, Gohan yang menyamar menjadi Great Saiyaman, Vegeta, Piccolo, Krillin, dan lain-lainnya. Hanya Yamcha dan Tien serta Master Roshi yang tidak ikut pertandingan.
Pada saat pertandingan, ternyata ada kejadian di mana lawan tarung Gohan memintanya berubah menjadi Super Saiyan. Ketika berubah menjadi Super Saiyan tiba tiba Gohan disergap oleh dua orang suruhan Babidy. Kedua orang tersebut ditugaskan untuk mencari energi yang besar, yang diperlukan untuk membangkitkan Buu. Monster yang berabad-abad lalu pernah nyaris menghancurkan alam semesta.
Setelah Buu terbebas dari sangkarnya, dengan serta merta tidak ada yang bisa menandinginya. bahkan Vegeta yang sengaja meledakkan energi dalam tubuhnya, hanya mengakibatkan kematiannya saja, dengan Buu tetap bisa hidup.
Gohan yang disangka sudah tewas dalam pertempuran melawan Buu, ternyata berhasil diselamatkan King Kai ke alam Kaioo. Di sana ia berlatih untuk bisa mengalahkan Buu. Sementara Goku yang hanya punya waktu terbatas (karena datang dari alam orang mati) mengajarkan fusion kepada Trunks dan Goten setelah menyadari kekuatan yang dimiliki anak-anak tersebut jika bergabung ada kemungkinan bisa mengalahkan Buu.
Dan dalam pertarungan melawan Buu untuk kesekian kalinya, akhirnya berhasil dimusnahkan dengan jurus Spirit Bomb yang dilemparkan Goku. Namun dalam versi resminya, adalah Mr. Satan (biasa juga disebut Hercule) yang dianggap menyelamatkan bumi, sekali lagi.
Theme park attractions
"Dragon Ball Z: The Real 4D" debuted at Universal Studios Japan in the summer of 2016. It features a battle between Goku and Freeza. Unlike most Dragon Ball animation, the attraction is animated with CGI. A second attraction titled "Dragon Ball Z: The Real 4-D at Super Tenkaichi Budokai" debuted at Universal Studios Japan in the summer of 2017, which featured a battle between the heroes and Broly.
The Dragon Ball franchise has spawned multiple video games across various genres and platforms. Earlier games of the series included a system of card battling and were released for the Famicom following the storyline of the series.[159] Starting with the Super Famicom and Mega Drive, most of the games were from the fighting genre or RPG (role-playing game), such as the Super Butoden series.[160] The first Dragon Ball game to be released in the United States was Dragon Ball GT: Final Bout for the PlayStation in 1997.[161] For the PlayStation 2 and PlayStation Portable games the characters were redone in 3D cel-shaded graphics. These games included the Dragon Ball Z: Budokai series and the Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi series.[162][163] Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit was the first game of the franchise developed for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.[164] Dragon Ball Xenoverse was the first game of the franchise developed for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.[165][166] A massively multiplayer online role-playing game called Dragon Ball Online was available in South Korea, Hong Kong, and Taiwan until the servers were shut down in 2013.[167] A few years later fans started recreating the game. Today, "Dragon Ball Online Global" is a new, European version of Dragon Ball Online and it is being developed, while open beta server is running.[168]
The mobile game Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle (2015) has received over 350 million downloads worldwide, as of 2021[update].[169] A notable recent release is Dragon Ball FighterZ (2018), a fighting game developed by Arc System Works. The game received massive fan and critical acclaim for its fast paced frantic 3v3 battles and great visuals, also winning Best Fighting Game of 2018 at The Game Awards[170] and many other awards and other nominations. It also has a large eSports scene, where it is one of the most popular fighting games.[125] It also did very well commercially, selling 4 million units across all platforms.[171]
In 1994, the licensee Bandai earned $140 million annually from sales of licensed Dragon Ball toys, video games and other character goods in Japan.[172] In 1996, Dragon Ball Z grossed $2.95 billion in merchandise sales worldwide.[173] As of early 1996, more than 100 companies outside Japan applied for character goods.[174] Bandai sold over 2 billion Dragon Ball Carddass cards in Japan by 1998,[175] and over 1 million Dragon Stars action figures in the Americas and Europe as of 2018.[176] In 2000, Burger King sponsored a toy promotion to distribute 20 million Dragon Ball Z figures across North America.[177] By 2011, the franchise had generated $5 billion in merchandise sales.[178] In 2012, the franchise grossed ¥7.67 billion ($96.13 million) from licensed merchandise sales in Japan.[179]
Myriad soundtracks were released in the anime, movies and the games. The music for the first two anime Dragon Ball and Z and its films was composed by Shunsuke Kikuchi, while the music from GT was composed by Akihito Tokunaga and the music from Kai was composed by Kenji Yamamoto and Norihito Sumitomo. For the first anime, the soundtracks released were Dragon Ball: Music Collection in 1985 and Dragon Ball: Complete Song Collection in 1991, although they were reissued in 2007 and 2003, respectively.[180] For the second anime, the soundtrack series released were Dragon Ball Z Hit Song Collection Series. It was produced and released by Columbia Records of Japan from July 21, 1989, to March 20, 1996, the show's entire lifespan. On September 20, 2006, Columbia re-released the Hit Song Collection on their Animex 1300 series.[181][182] Other CDs released are compilations, video games and films soundtracks as well as music from the English versions.[183]
There have been numerous companion books to the Dragon Ball franchise. Chief among these are the Daizenshuu (大全集) series, comprising seven hardback main volumes and three supplemental softcover volumes, covering the manga and the first two anime series and their theatrical films. The first of these, Dragon Ball: The Complete Illustrations (Daizenshuu volume 1), first published in Japan in 1995, is the only one that was released in English, being printed in 2008 by Viz Media.[184] It contains all 264 colored illustrations Akira Toriyama drew for the Weekly Shōnen Jump magazines' covers, bonus giveaways and specials, and all the covers for the 42 tankōbon. It also includes an interview with Toriyama on his work process. The remainder have never been released in English, and all are now out of print in Japan. From February 4 to May 9, 2013, condensed versions of the Daizenshuu with some updated information were released as the four-volume Chōzenshū (超全集) series.[43] For Dragon Ball GT, the Dragon Ball GT Perfect Files were released in May and December 1997 by Shueisha's Jump Comics Selection imprint. They include series information, illustration galleries, behind-the-scenes information, and more. They were out of print for many years, but were re-released in April 2006 (accompanying the Japanese DVD release of Dragon Ball GT) and this edition is still in print.[185][186]
Coinciding with the 34-volume kanzenban re-release of the manga, and the release of the entire series on DVD for the first time in Japan, four new guidebooks were released in 2003 and 2004. Dragon Ball Landmark and Dragon Ball Forever cover the manga, using volume numbers for story points that reference the kanzenban release,[187][188] while Dragon Ball: Tenkaichi Densetsu (ドラゴンボール 天下一伝説) and Dragon Ball Z: Son Goku Densetsu (ドラゴンボールZ 孫悟空伝説) cover the Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z anime, respectively.[189][190] Much of the material in these books is reused from the earlier Daizenshuu volumes, but they include new textual material including substantial interviews with the creator, cast and production staff of the series. Son Goku Densetsu in particular showcases previously unpublished design sketches of Goku's father Bardock, drawn by character designer Katsuyoshi Nakatsuru prior to creator Akira Toriyama's revisions that resulted in the final version.
Following the release of Dragon Ball Kai in Japan, four new guidebooks were released: the two-volume Dragon Ball: Super Exciting Guide (ドラゴンボール 超エキサイティングガイド) in 2009, covering the manga,[191][192] and two-volume Dragon Ball: Extreme Battle Collection (ドラゴンボール 極限バトルコレクション) in 2010, covering the anime series.[193][194] Despite the TV series airing during this time being Kai, the Extreme Battle Collection books reference the earlier Z series in content and episode numbers. These books also include new question-and-answer sessions with Akira Toriyama, revealing a few new details about the world and characters of the series. 2010 also saw the release of a new artbook, Dragon Ball: Anime Illustrations Guide – The Golden Warrior (ドラゴンボール アニメイラスト集 「黄金の戦士」); a sort of anime-counterpart to the manga-oriented Complete Illustrations, it showcases anime-original illustrations and includes interviews with the three principal character designers for the anime. Each of the Japanese "Dragon Box" DVD releases of the series and movies, which were released from 2003 to 2006, as well as the Blu-ray boxed sets of Dragon Ball Kai, released 2009 to 2011, come with a Dragon Book guide that contains details about the content therein. Each also contains a new interview with a member of the cast or staff of the series. These books have been reproduced textually for Funimation's release of the Dragon Ball Z Dragon Box sets from 2009 to 2011.
Collectible cards based on the Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, and Dragon Ball GT series have been released by Bandai. These cards feature various scenes from the manga and anime stills, plus exclusive artwork from all three series. Bandai released the first set in the United States in July 2008.[195]
Daftar harga kartu remi dragon ball terbaru Desember 2024
kartu remi dragon ball lengkap
Dragon Ball (ドラゴンボール, Doragon Bōru) adalah sebuah manga dan anime karya Akira Toriyama dari tahun 1984 sampai 1995. Albumnya terdiri dari 42 buku dan di Indonesia diterbitkan oleh Elex Media Komputindo. Sebelumnya Dragon Ball juga pernah diterbitkan oleh Rajawali Grafiti.
Manga Dragon Ball terdiri dari dua pembagian utama, tetapi dalam pembagian tersebut masih bisa dibagi-bagi lagi yaitu:
Dragon Ball bercerita tentang seorang bocah bernama Goku yang hidup di tengah gunung sendirian. Dia lalu bertemu dengan Bulma, seorang gadis muda genius, yang berusaha mengumpulkan 7 bola ajaib yang katanya bisa mengabulkan semua keinginan. Bola-bola tersebut dinamakan Dragon Ball.
Keterangan: Dragon Ball adalah 7 buah bola kristal yang tersebar di seluruh dunia, bola tersebut berwarna jingga yang terdapat pola bintang di dalamnya, apabila seseorang berhasil mengumpulkan 7 buah Dragon Ball maka akan muncul sebuah dewa naga yang mampu mengabulkan sebuah permintaan apa saja, bahkan termasuk menghidupkan orang mati.
Dalam perjalanannya bersama Bulma mencari Dragon Ball, Goku harus berhadapan dengan banyak rintangan, salah satunya adalah dari Tentara Pita Merah. Kelompok ini mempunyai keinginan yang sama dengan Goku dan Bulma.
Sejarah pemilihan nama-nama tokoh Dragon Ball Z
Pencipta komik dan kartun anime Dragon Ball yang sangat populer di Jepang, Akira Toriyama, meninggal dunia pada usia 68 tahun, menurut pengumuman tim produksinya, pada hari Jumat (8/3).
"Kami sangat sedih untuk memberitahukan bahwa pencipta manga Akira Toriyama meninggal dunia pada tanggal 1 Maret karena hematoma subdural akut," demikian pernyataan yang diposting di akun resmi X dari waralaba Dragon Ball, dikutip dari AFP.
Subdural haematoma adalah kondisi serius di mana darah terkumpul di antara tengkorak dan permukaan otak.
"Dengan sangat menyesal, kami menyampaikan kesedihan yang mendalam, bahwa beliau masih memiliki beberapa karya yang sedang dalam proses penciptaan, yang ia kerjakan dengan penuh semangat," demikian pernyataan yang diatribusikan kepada Bird Studio milik Toriyama.
"Masih banyak hal yang ingin dia capai. Namun, dia telah meninggalkan banyak judul manga dan karya seni untuk dunia ini," tambah pernyataan tersebut.
"Kami berharap bahwa dunia ciptaan Akira Toriyama yang unik ini akan terus dicintai oleh semua orang untuk selamanya."
Dragon Ball adalah salah satu judul manga terlaris dan paling berpengaruh sepanjang masa.
Pertama kali dibuat menjadi serial pada tahun 1984, Dragon Ball telah dibuat dalam berbagai medium, baik serial anime, film, maupun video game.
Cerita ini menampilkan seorang anak laki-laki bernama Son Goku yang meningkatkan kekuatannya dengan mengumpulkan bola-bola ajaib yang berisi naga untuk membantunya dan para sekutunya dalam pertarungan melindungi Bumi dari musuh-musuh jahat.
Penerbit Shueisha merilis pernyataan bahwa mereka "sangat sedih dengan berita kematiannya yang tiba-tiba".
Eiichiro Oda, pencipta waralaba manga One Piece yang terkenal di Jepang, merilis pernyataan bahwa kematian Toriyama "terlalu cepat" dan meninggalkan "tempat kosong yang terlalu besar untuk digantikan".
"Saya tidak menyangka saya tidak akan pernah bertemu dengannya lagi. Saya sangat berduka," ujar Oda.
I don’t know why it’s taken me this long to get to Dragon Ball because it’s so damn good! Seriously, I just want to have all 42 volumes with me right now so I can just read this and nothing else until I’ve finished! Volume 5 rounds out the Strongest Under the Heavens tournament with Son Goku squaring off against Jackie Chun (Master Roshi in disguise) in the final, and it might be the best superhero fight I’ve ever read in comics. It’s so unpredictable, it’s like Akira Toriyama didn’t know himself who he was going to let win! One minute Goku’s winning, then it’s Chun, then THIS happens, then THAT happens, and it’s this whirlwind of energy and tension, and before you know it, half the book’s gone! Even at half a book’s length, the fight doesn’t feel overlong because so much happens in it. It’s an epic fight between master and disciple, especially given how Goku’s abilities keep getting more and more unpredictably powerful. The second half sees Goku leaving the rest of the cast behind to go on a new adventure. With Goku clearly having learned all he can from Master Roshi, he and Kinto’un (his magic flying cloud) head off to once more find Dragon Balls. His search takes him to snowier climes and into the path of the Red Ribbon Army who’re also after the Dragon Balls. They’ve enlisted the help of a nearby town’s men, against their will, and it’s up to Goku to liberate them and grab his grandpa’s Dragon Ball too. Looking at the way the stories are structured - Goku fights one opponent after another after another etc. - they should be much less interesting to read than they are, and yet the colourful world, inventive characters, and brilliant execution of the action makes them utterly irresistible reads. And they’re very light-hearted which adds to its charm too - that final sequence with the dumb ninja trying to outwit Goku was hilarious! I would recommend this series to all comics readers, not just manga fans, as these are truly outstanding books. This series has been excellent so far and this book is awesome too - Toriyama is killing it with the art and the writing. I’m totally gutted that I don’t have the next few volumes to hand because I would devour them if I did! Gotta catch ‘em all, Dragon Balls and the books alike!
Hasil Pencarian Kartu Remi Dragon Ball
Super Dragon Ball Heroes
In May 2018, an anime to promote the Super Dragon Ball Heroes card and video game series was announced.[103] It was released online from July 1, 2018,[104] to August 8, 2024.[105]
The short film Dragon Ball: Yo! Son Goku and His Friends Return!! was created for the Jump Super Anime Tour,[106] which celebrated Weekly Shōnen Jump's 40th anniversary, and debuted on September 21, 2008.[107] A short animated adaptation of Naho Ōishi's Bardock spinoff manga, Dragon Ball: Episode of Bardock, was shown on December 17–18, 2011, at the Jump Festa 2012 event.[108]
A two-episode original video animation (OVA) titled Dragon Ball Z Side Story: Plan to Eradicate the Saiyans was created in 1993 as strategy guides for the Famicom video game of the same name.[109] A remake titled Dragon Ball: Plan to Eradicate the Super Saiyans was created as a bonus feature for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 video game Dragon Ball: Raging Blast 2, which was released on November 11, 2010.[110]
A two-part hour-long crossover special between Dragon Ball Z, One Piece and Toriko, referred to as Dream 9 Toriko & One Piece & Dragon Ball Z Super Collaboration Special!! aired on April 7, 2013.[111]
The anime adaptations have also been very well-received and are better known in the Western world than the manga, with Anime News Network saying, "Few anime series have mainstreamed it the way Dragon Ball Z has. To a certain generation of television consumers its characters are as well known as any in the animated realm, and for many it was the first step into the wilderness of anime fandom."[112] In a survey conducted by Oricon, "Japanese anime that I think is world-class" and "world-class Manga & Anime" "Dragon Ball" was selected as No. 1 with an overwhelming number of votes in both surveys.[113][114] In 2000, satellite TV channel Animax together with Brutus, a men's lifestyle magazine, and Tsutaya, Japan's largest video rental chain, conducted a poll among 200,000 fans on the top anime series, with Dragon Ball coming in fourth.[115] "Dragon Ball" won first place in the "100 Best Anime in Japan that has advanced to the world" questionnaire on TV Asahi 's " Decision! This is Japan's Best ".[116] TV Asahi conducted two polls in 2005 on the Top 100 Anime, Dragon Ball came in second in the nationwide survey conducted with multiple age-groups and in third in the online poll.[117][118]
Dragon Ball is one of the most successful franchises in animation history.[119] The anime series is broadcast in more than 80 countries worldwide.[87] In Japan, the first sixteen anime films up until Dragon Ball Z: Wrath of the Dragon (1995) sold 50 million tickets and grossed over ¥40 billion ($501 million) at the box office, in addition to selling over 500,000 home video units, by 1996.[120][121] Later DVD releases of the Dragon Ball anime series have topped Japan's sales charts on several occasions.[122][123] In the United States, the anime series sold over 25 million DVD units by January 2012,[124] and has sold more than 30 million DVD and Blu-ray units as of 2017.[119] In Latin America, public screenings of the Dragon Ball Super finale in 2018 filled public spaces and stadiums in cities across the region, including stadiums holding tens of thousands of spectators.[125]
Dragon Ball Z also proved to be a rating success in the United States, outperforming top shows such as Friends and The X-Files in some parts of the country in sweeps ratings during its first season.[126] The premiere of season three of Dragon Ball Z in 1999, done by Funimation's in-house dub, was the highest-rated program ever at the time on Cartoon Network.[127] In 2002, in the week ending September 22, Dragon Ball Z was the #1 program of the week on all of television with tweens 9–14, boys 9–14 and men 12–24, with the Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday telecasts of Dragon Ball Z ranked as the top three programs in all of television, broadcast or cable, for delivery of boys 9–14.[128] Dragon Ball GT has also had high ratings[129] In 2001, it was reported that the official website of Dragon Ball Z recorded 4.7 million hits per day and included 500,000+ registered fans.[130] Dragon Ball Z topped the Lycos 50 list of 'most searched' items for the second consecutive year—the first time that any topic has ever been able to repeat its dominance over a two-year period.[131] Dragon Ball ranked second overall in the search number ranking for the past 10 years released by LYCOS in 2005.[132] and ranked 3rd in Yahoo! in 2002 with PlayStation 2 topping the list[133] Even after it ended, the "Dragon Ball" series continues to maintain a high level of popularity, surpassing that of new anime, and is also often being rebroadcast, making the "Dragon Ball" series Funimation's most important anime license[134] The audience rating of the first Dragon Ball Kai episode on Nicktoons is the highest since the station opened[135]
Carl Kimlinger of Anime News Network summed up Dragon Ball as "an action-packed tale told with rare humor and something even rarer—a genuine sense of adventure."[136] Both Kimlinger and colleague Theron Martin noted Funimation's reputation for drastic alterations of the script, but praised the dub.[136][137] However, some critics and most fans of the Japanese version have been more critical with Funimation's English dub and script of Dragon Ball Z over the years. Jeffrey Harris of IGN criticized the voices, including how Freeza's appearance combined with the feminine English voice left fans confused about Freeza's gender.[138] Carlos Ross of T.H.E.M. Anime Reviews considered the series' characters to be different from stereotypical stock characters and noted that they undergo much more development.[139] Despite praising Dragon Ball Z for its cast of characters, they criticized it for having long and repetitive fights.[140]
Dragon Ball Z is well-known, and often criticized, for its long, repetitive, dragged-out fights that span several episodes, with Martin commenting "DBZ practically turned drawing out fights into an art form."[141] However, Jason Thompson of io9 explained that this comes from the fact that the anime was being created alongside the manga.[142] Dragon Ball Z was listed as the 78th best animated show in IGN's Top 100 Animated Series,[143] and was also listed as the 50th greatest cartoon in Wizard magazine's Top 100 Greatest Cartoons list.[144]
Harris commented that Dragon Ball GT "is downright repellent", mentioning that the material and characters had lost their novelty and fun. He also criticized the GT character designs of Trunks and Vegeta as being goofy.[138] Zac Bertschy of Anime News Network also gave negative comments about GT, mentioning that the fights from the series were "a very simple childish exercise" and that many other anime were superior. The plot of Dragon Ball GT has also been criticized for giving a formula that was already used in its predecessors.[145]
Twenty animated theatrical films based on the Dragon Ball series have been released in Japan. The most recent films, Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods (2013), Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection 'F' (2015), Dragon Ball Super: Broly (2018), and Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero (2022), were produced as full-length feature films and were given stand-alone theatrical releases in Japan (as well as limited theatrical releases in the U.S.). They've also been the first movies to have original creator Akira Toriyama deeply involved in their production; Battle of Gods and Resurrection 'F' were remade into the first and second arcs of the Dragon Ball Super anime, which told the same stories as the two films in expanded detail.[146][147] The 1996 feature film, Dragon Ball: The Path to Power, was also a full-length theatrical release with a running time of 80 minutes, and was produced to coincide with the 10th anniversary of the anime as a re-imagining of the first few arcs of the series.
All previous films were mostly below feature length (around 45–60 minutes each), making them only slightly longer than one or two episodes of the TV series; this is due to them being originally shown as back-to-back presentations alongside other Toei film productions. These films are also mostly alternate re-tellings of certain story arcs (like The Path to Power), or extra side-stories that do not correlate with the continuity of the series. The first three films, along with The Path to Power, are based on the original Dragon Ball anime series. The remaining thirteen older films are based on Dragon Ball Z. The first five films were shown at the Toei Manga Festival (東映まんがまつり, Tōei Manga Matsuri), while the sixth through seventeenth films were shown at the Toei Anime Fair (東映アニメフェア, Toei Anime Fea).
An American live-action film titled Dragonball Evolution was produced by 20th Century Fox after it acquired the feature film rights to the Dragon Ball franchise in March 2002. Previous to the film, two unofficial live-action films had been produced decades prior. The first was a Korean film titled Dragon Ball: Ssawora Son Goku, Igyeora Son Goku (드래곤볼 싸워라 손오공 이겨라 손오공; Deulaegonbol Ssawola Son Ogong Igyeola Son Ogong; lit. Dragon Ball: Fight Son Goku, Win Son Goku), while the second was a Taiwanese film titled Dragon Ball: The Magic Begins (新七龍珠; Xīn qī lóng zhū), which was also dubbed in English.[148][149] The film was directed by James Wong and produced by Stephen Chow, it was released in the United States on April 10, 2009.[149][150] The film was meant to lead into sequels,[151][152] which were cancelled, after the film flopped at the box office and became universally heralded as one of the worst adaptations of all time, being considered by the fans as being unfaithful to the source material.[153] Franchise creator Akira Toriyama also criticized the film adding he was completely left out of the creative process, despite having himself offered to help, going as far as saying: "the result was a movie, I couldn't even call Dragon Ball".[154] Years after its release, the writer of the film, Ben Ramsey, released a public apology in which he admitted to have written the film "chasing for a payday" instead of "as a fan of the franchise".[155][156]
With the news of 20th Century Fox selling itself, its assets, which include the film rights to the Dragon Ball franchise, will now be owned by its purchaser, The Walt Disney Company.[157] However, there have been no plans made by The Walt Disney Company to create a new live-action Dragon Ball movie.[158]
Dragon Ball Z (Jepang: ドラゴンボールゼット, Hepburn: Doragon Bōru Zetto, biasanya disingkat DBZ) adalah sebuah seri televisi animasi Jepang yang diproduksi oleh Toei Animation. Dragon Ball Z adalah sekuel untuk anime Dragon Ball dan mengadaptasi 325 bab terakhir dari 519 bab original seri manga Dragon Ball yang dibuat oleh Akira Toriyama yang dipublikasikan dari 1988 sampai 1995 di Weekly Shonen Jump. Dragon Ball Z pertama kali ditayangkan di Jepang di Fuji TV dari 25 April 1989 sampai 31 Januari 1996 sebelum disulihsuarakan di beberapa negara di seluruh dunia termasuk Amerika Serikat, Australia, Eropa, India dan Amerika Latin. Di Indonesia, serial ini ditayangkan di Indosiar pada dekade 2000-an dan ditayangkan ulang pada tahun 2014.
Dragon Ball Z mengikuti petualangan dari sang protagonis Goku, yang bersama dengan sahabat-sahabatnya melindungi bumi dari musuh-musuh yang berkeliaran menggunakan pesawat tempur antargalaksi, android yang bertenaga luar biasa dan makhluk sihir yang tidak dapat dimusnahkan. Sebagaimana anime original Dragon Ball yang mengikuti Goku dari masa kecil sampai masa dewasanya, Dragon Ball Z adalah kelanjutan masa dewasanya, tetapi pada saat yang sama berjajaran dengan perkembangan anak-anaknya, Gohan dan Goten juga evolusi dari saingannya Piccolo dan Vegeta dari musuh menjadi sekutu.
Oleh karena kesuksesan animenya di Amerika, bab-bab manganya juga dirilis oleh Viz Media dengan judul Dragon Ball Z. Karya tambahan yang disebut animanga juga telah dirilis yang mengadaptasi animasinya ke bentuk manga. Popularitas Dragon Ball Z telah menghasilkan banyak rilisan yang muncul untuk merepresentasikan pluralitas dari isi dalam dunia Dragon Ball; mencakup 14 film dan 148 permainan video (kebanyakan hanya dirilis di Jepang) dan sejumlah soundtrack. Dragon Ball Z menyisakan ikon budaya lewat banyak adaptasinya, termasuk serial remake-nya yang lebih baru berjudul Dragon Ball Kai.
Dragon Ball Z berlatar tujuh tahun setelah akhir dari anime Dragon Ball. Goku sekarang sudah menikah dan mempunyai anak bernama Gohan. Lalu seorang alien humanoid bernama Raditz tiba di bumi dan melacak Goku yang tengah berada di Kame House, dia mengungkapkan padanya bahwa dia adalah adiknya yang telah lama hilang dan kalau mereka adalah anggota sebuah ras luar bumi yang hampir punah yang disebut Saiya. Bangsa Saiya telah mengirim Goku (aslinya bernama "Kakarot") ke bumi saat bayi untuk menaklukkan planet itu untuk mereka, tetapi Goku menderita cidera kepala yang parah segera setelah sampai di bumi dan kehilangan semua ingatan tentang misinya juga sifat haus darah bangsa Saiya. Goku menolak untuk menolong Raditz melanjutkan misi ini yang mengakibatkan Raditz menculik Gohan. Goku memutuskan bekerja sama dengan Piccolo dengan tujuan mengalahkan Raditz dan menyelamatkan anaknya yang berakhir dengan Goku yang mengorbankan dirinya sendiri. Di akhirat, Goku berlatih dibawah bimbingan Raja Kai sampai dia dibangkitkan kembali oleh Dragon Ball setahun kemudian dengan tujuan menyelamatkan bumi dari rekan-rekan Raditz yaitu Nappa dan Vegeta. Selama pertempuran ini Piccolo terbunuh, bersama dengan teman Goku, Yamcha, Tien Shinhan dan Chaotzu, dan Dragon Ball pun menghilang karena kematian Piccolo. Goku terlambat tiba di medan tempur, tetapi setidaknya bisa membalaskan kematian teman-temannya dengan mengalahkan Nappa dengan kekuatan barunya. Vegeta sendiri pun masuk ke pertempuran setelah sebelumnya membunuh Nappa, untuk melawan Goku. Dan setelah banyak bentrokan Goku berhasil mengalahkannya juga, dengan bantuan Gohan dan teman baiknya Krillin serta Yajirobe. Mereka membiarkan Vegeta hidup atas permintaan Goku dan membiarkannya lari dari bumi. Selama pertarungan, Krillin menguping Vegeta menyebutkan sekumpulan Dragon Ball asli dari tempat asal Piccolo yakni Planet Namek.
Sementara Goku memulihkan diri dari luka-lukanya di rumah sakit, Gohan, Krillin dan teman lama Goku, Bulma berangkat ke Planet Namek dengan tujuan menggunakan Dragon Ball disana untuk membangkitkan teman-teman mereka yang mati. Akan tetapi, mereka menemukan kalau atasan Vegeta, Sang Penindas Galaksi Frieza sudah ada di sana dan juga sedang mencari Dragon Ball untuk meminta keabadian. Vegeta yang sudah sepenuhnya sembuh tiba di Namek juga dan mencari Dragon Ball untuk dirinya sendiri yang membawanya pada beberapa pertempuran antara dirinya dan anak buah Frieza. Menyadari dia ditundukkan, Vegeta bergabung dengan Gohan dan Krillin untuk melawan Pasukan Ginyu (sebuah tim elit yang dipanggil Frieza). Setelah Goku tiba di Namek, dan mengalahkan Kapten Ginyu maka pertarungan dengan Frieza mencapai akhirnya saat Goku berubah menjadi ksatria yang legendaris (Super Saiya) dan mengalahkannya.
Pada kepulangannya ke bumi setahun kemudian, Goku dijumpai seorang penjelajah waktu bernama Trunks (anak masa depan Bulma dan Vegeta) yang memperingatkan Goku bahwa akan ada dua Android yang muncul tiga tahun yang akan datang dan berniat balas dendam pada Goku karena menghancurkan Tentara Pita Merah saat masih kecil. Sementara ancaman para android masih berlanjut, sebuah bentuk kehidupan jahat yang disebut Cell menyerang dan setelah menghisap dua android ia pun meraih bentuk sempurnanya. Segera setelah itu ia mengumumkan di stasiun televisi menggelar turnamen untuk menguji kemampuannya. Setelah pertarungan yang panjang dan mengorbankan hidup Goku, Gohan dalam bentuk Super Saiya 2 berhasil mengalahkan cell dengan juris kamehameha. Tujuh tahun berikutnya, Goku yang kembali sehari kebumi untuk dan bertemu anak termudanya Son Goten dan teman-temannya ditarik ke dalam pertempuran melawan makhluk sihir bernama Majin Buu. Setelah sejumlah pertempuran yang mengakibatkan penghancuran dan penciptaan kembali bumi, Goku yang telah hidup kembali menghancurkan Kid Buu dengan sebuah "Spirit Bomb" yang berisi energi semua orang di bumi. Goku berdoa agar kid Buu direinkarnasikan menjadi orang baik dan sepuluh tahun kemudian, di turnamen bela diri tenkaichi, Goku bertemu reinkarnasi manusia Kid Buu bernama Uub. Goku berangkat bersama dengan Uub untuk melatihnya menjadi pelindung baru bumi dan meninggalkan pertarungan yang belum selesai antara mereka.
Judul "Dragon Ball Z" dipilih oleh Akira Toriyama karena Z adalah huruf terakhir pada alfabet dan dia ingin mengakhiri seri ini karena dia telah kehabisan ide untuk Dragon Ball.[1] Pengetahuan lazim di Jepang menggunakan "Z" hanya untuk animenya untuk memisahkan masa kecil dan masa dewasa Goku. Dragon Ball Z diadaptasi dari akhir bab 325 seri manganya yang dipublikasikan oleh Weekly Shonen Jump dari 1988 sampai 1995, ia pertama tayang di Jepang pada Fuji Television pada 26 April 1989 dan terdiri atas 291 episode sampai tamatnya pada 31 Januari 1996.[2]
Karena Toriyama sedang menulis manganya selama produksi animenya,[3] Dragon Ball Z menambahkan beberapa materi yang tidak ada di manga Dragon Ball. Materi tambahan itu mencakup adegan yang dipanjangkan atau satu hal baru seperti serangan baru dan karakter yang tak ada di manga.
Di seluruh produksinya, para pengisi suara ditugaskan memainkan karakter yang berbeda dan melakukan dialog mereka dengan kode tertentu dan pindah antarperan saat dibutuhkan.[4] Pengisi suara tidak bisa merekam dialog mereka sendiri-sendiri karena dekatnya jarak waktu antardialog. Masako Nozawa mengatakan kalau ia tidak kesulitan memainkan suara Goku, Gohan dan Goten saat ditanya demikian dan dia berucap kalau dia mampu berpindah peran pada saat melihat gambar karakternya.[4]
Sutradara seri ini, Daisuke Nishio meninggalkan seri ini setelah secara pribadi menyutradarai Episode 202. Nishio meninggalkan seri ini untuk menjadi sutradara seri Aoki Densetsu Shoot!. Peran seri sutradara tidak diisi secara resmi untuk Episode 200-291, walaupun Nishio menyutradarai Episode 202.[butuh rujukan]
Pada Februari 2009, Toei Animation mengumumkan bahwa mereka akan mulai menyiarkan sebuah versi yang sudah direvisi dari Dragon Ball Z sebagai bagian dari perayaan ke-20 seri ini. Seri ini pertama tayang di Fuji TV pada 5 April 2009 dengan judul Dragon Ball Kai. Akhiran "Kai" dalam nama ini berarti "di-update" atau "diubah" dan mencerminkan peningkatan dan perbaikan dari karya aslinya.[5] Footage originalnya di-remastered untuk HDTV dan menampilakan opening dan ending yang diperbaharui, musik baru dan track vokal yang direkam ulang.[5][6] Materi original dan semua frame rusak dihilangkan untu lebih mengikuti manganya dan hasilnya adalah cerita yang lebih singkat.[7] Seri ini awalnya diakhiri dengan akhir dari arc Cell dan tidak mencakup arc Majin Buu. Pada awalnya direncanakan berjalan sebanyak 98 episode, akan tetapi oleh karena gempa bumi dan tsunami lepas pantai Tohoku, epsiode terakhir Dragon Ball Kai tidak ditayangkan dan seri ini berakhir di epsidenya yang ke-97 di Jepang pada 27 Maret 2011. Episode ke-98 kemudian dirilis langsung-ke-video di Jepang pada 2 Agustus 2011.[8]
Pada November 2012, Mayumi Tanaka (pengisi suara Krillin) mengumumkan kalau dia dan pemeran yang tersisa sedang merekam episode lain dari Dragon Ball Kai.[9] Pada Februari 2014, adaptasi arc Majin Buu secara resmi terkonfirmasi. Penayangan terbaru dari seri ini yang berjudul Dragon Ball Kai: The Final Chapters oleh Toei Eropa mulai tayang di Jepang pada Fuji TV pada 6 April 2014 dan berakhir pada 28 Juni 2015; 61 episode terakhir (menjadikan total episodenya terhitung sampai 159).[10][11]
Rilisan original Dragon Ball Z di Amerika Utara menjadi subjek penyensoran yang ketat mengakibatkan sejumlah besar dari isi yang dihapus dan diganti sehingga secara besar mengubah karya aslinya. CEO Funimation, Gen Fukunaga kadang dikritik untuk perannya dalam penyensoran; tetapi distributor Saban-lah yang mengharuskan perubahan atau mereka tidak akan menayangkannya. Perubahan ini mencakup modifikasi setiap aspek dari acara ini mulai dari nama karakter, pakaian, adegan dan dialog acara tersebut.[12] Karakter Mr. Satan dinamai ulang menjadi Hercule dan perubahan ini dipertahankan di media bahasa Inggris lain seperti manga Dragon Ball Z Viz Media dan permainan video yang mencakup penyebutan namanya secara salah seperti "Hercule Satan" di Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Battle 22.[13] Dialog yang diubah kadang-kadang berlawanan dengan adegan itu sendiri; setelah ledakan fatal pada sebuah helikopter, salah satu karakter mengatakan,"Tidak apa-apa, Saya bisa melihat parasut mereka!".[12]
Selama penayangan Dragon Ball Kai di TV Jepang, adegan yang melibatkan darah dan adegan bugil singkat disensor. Sebuah rumar kalau Cartoon Network akan menayangkan Kai uncut telah berakhir dengan pernyataan resmi untuk membantah rumor tersebut pada Juni 2010.[14] Nicktoons juga akan menyensor Kai; mereka merilis sebuah preview yang menunjukkan perubahan ini yang mencakup penghapusan darah dan bekas luka di pipi Bardock dan perubahan warna alkohol Master Roshi.[15] Acara ini lebih lanjut diedit untuk penayangannya di Toonzai dan Vortexx, tetapi rilisan DVD dan Blu-ray-nya hanya berisi editan yang sama dengan versi original Jepangnya.
Sampel dari "Cha-La Head-Cha-La" yang dilantunkan oleh Hironobu Kageyama yang merupakan lagu tema pembuka untuk acara ini.
Shunsuke Kikuchi mengaransemen partitur untuk Dragon Ball Z. Tema pembuka untuk 199 episode pertama adalah "Cha-La Head-Cha-La" yang dinyanyikan oleh Hironobu Kageyama. Tema pembuka kedua yang terus digunakan sampai akhir seri ini adalah "We Gotta Power" yang juga dinyanyikan oleh Kageyama. Tema penutup yang digunakan untuk 194 episode pertama adalah "Detekoi Tobikiri Zenkai Power!" yang dinyanyikan oleh MANNA. Tema penutup kedua yang digunakan untuk episode yang tersisa adalah "Bokutachi wa Tenshi Datta" yang dinyanyikan oleh Kageyama.
Kenji Yamamoto mengaransemen partitur untuk Dragon Ball Kai. "Dragon Soul" oleh Takayoshi Tanimoto dan Takafumi Iwasaki, yang dinyanyikan dengan nama samaran "Dragon Soul", yang digunakan sebagai lagu tema pembuka seri ini. Lagu "Yeah! Break! Care! Break!" dari Dragon Soul adalah tema penutup untuk 54 episode pertama, dan episode tersisa menggunakan lagu "Kokoro no Hane" yang dilantunkan oleh "Tim Dragon dari AKB48" (sebuah unit yang dibuat dari tujuh anggota AKB48. Pada 9 Maret 2011, Toei mengumumkan bahwa karena partitur Yamamoto melanggar batas hak cipta dari sebuah pihak ketiga yang tidak diketahui, musik untuk episode tersisa dan tayangan ulang episode sebelumnya akan diganti.[16] Kemudian berita dari Toei mengatakan bahwa dengan pengecualian lagu pembuka dan penutup seri ini, juga musiknya, partitur Yamamoto akan diganti dengan miliki Shunsuke Kikuchi. Musik untuk arc Majin Buu dalam Kai diaransemen oleh Norihito Sumitomo.[17] Tema pembukanya adalah "Kuu•Zen•Zetsu•Go" dinyanyikan oleh Dragon Soul, sementara ending pertamanya adalah "Haikei, Tsuratsusutora" oleh band rock Jepang Good Morning America[18] dan yang kedua "Junjo" oleh Leo Ieiri dari episode 112 sampai 123.[19] Lagu penutup ketiga adalah "Oh Yeah!!!!!!!" oleh Czecho No Republic dari episode 124 sampai 136,[20] yang keempat "Galaxy" oleh Kyuso Nekokami dari 137 sampai 146 dan yang kelima adalah "Don't Let Me Down" oleh Gacharic Spin dari 147 sampai 159.[21]
Di Jepang, Dragon Ball Z tidak mendapat perilisan video rumahan sampai 2003, tujuh tahun setelah penayangannya. Ini adalah sebuah remastering seri ini dalam dua set DVD 26-disc box (yang dibuat hanya untuk pesanan) yang dirilis pada 19 Maret dan 18 September dan disebut sebagai "Dragon Boxes".
Rilisan rumah internasional Dragon Ball Z cukup rumit pada masalah perizinan dan rilisan perusahaan yang melibatkan produksi dan distribusinya. Rilisan media terbagi atas VHS dan DVD dengan pemisahan versi edited dan uncut yang dirilis secara serempak. Kedua versi ini diberlakukan sebagai entri berbeda dan akan secara bertahap dibuat ranking Billboard sebagai entri terpisah. Penjualan rilisan rumah akan ditampilkan secara mencolok pada chart Nielsen VideoScan.[22] Pioneer Entertainment hanya mendistribusikan sulih suara Funimation/Saban yang edited berjumlah 53 episode pada tujuh belas VHS antara 1997 dan 1999[23][24] dan tujuh belas DVD yang seluruhnya pada tahun 1999.[25][26] Dua set box yang memisahkan arc Saiya dan Namek juga dirilis pada VHS pada tahun 1999[27][28] dan pada DVD di 2001.[29][30] Funimation pun mendistribusikan sendiri in-house dub pertama mereka yang dimulai dengan episode 54 dalam VHS berjalan antara 2000 dan 2003.[31][32][33] Sebuah versi DVD juga diproduksi bersamaan dengan ini, walaupun mereka hanya memproduksi uncut-nya dan mengisi pilihan untuk menonton versi Jepang original dengan subtitle.[34][35]
Pada tahun 2005, Funimation mulai merilis in-house dub mereka dari awal Dragon Ball Z pada DVD yang jadi tanda pertama kalinya episode-episodenya dilihat dalam versi uncut di Amerika Utara.[36] Akan tetapi, hanya sembilan volume yang dirilis dan tidak sampai selesai.[37] Sebagai gantinya, Funimation me-remastered dan meng-crop semua serinya menjadi format 16:9 widescreen dan mulai merilisulangnya pada DVD dalam set box sembilan "musim"; set yang pertama dirilis pada 6 Februari 2007 dan yang terakhir pada 19 Mei 2009.[38][39] Pada Juli 2009, Funimation mengumumkan kalau mereka akan merilis "Dragon Box" restorasi frame-by-frame pada Dragon Ball Z di Amerika Utara. Tujuh set box DVD edisi terbatas versi uncut dalam format 4:3 fullscreen dirilis antara 10 November 2009 dan 11 Oktober 2011.[40]
Pada Juli 2011, Funimation mengumumkan rencana untuk merilis Dragon Ball Z dalam format Blu-ray Disc dengan set pertamanya dirilis pada 8 November 2011.[41][42][43] Akan tetapi, produksi terhadap set 4:3 ini tertunda setelah volume keduanya. Mereka menyebut kekhawatiran teknis pada pemulihan bahan asli frame demi frame film ini.[44] Baru setahun kemudian, perusahaan mulai membuat Blu-ray yang di-crop 16:9 yang dirilis pada tahun 2013, dengan total sembilan set dirilis.[45] Pada 13 Agustus 2013, Funimation merilis 53 episode dan 3 film dari sulih suara Dragon Ball Z pertama mereka yang dibuat dengan Saban dan Ocean Studio dalam sebuah set box DVD collector.[46]
Sementara manganya diberi judul Dragon Ball di Jepang, oleh karena popularitas anime Dragon Ball Z di barat, Viz Media mengubah judul dari 26 volume terakhir manganya menjadi "Dragon Ball Z" untuk menghindari kebingungan. Volumenya dipublikasikan di Jepang antara 1989 dan 1995. Ia mulai serialisasinya di American Shonen Jump. Tankobon dari Dragon Ball Z dan Dragon Ball dirilis secara serempak oleeh Viz Media di United States.[47][48] Pada Maret 2001, Viz melanjutkan pemisahan ini dengan mengangkut ulang judul Dragon Ball dan Dragon Ball Z yang dimulai dengan volume pertamanya dari masing-masing karya tersebut.[49] Pemasaran Viz untuk manganya membuat jelas perbedaan antara tone Dragon Ball dan Dragon Ball Z. Viz mengiklankan Dragon Ball Z: "Lebih banyak asli yang dikemas daripada cerita masa muda Goku, Dragon Ball Z adalah murni adrenalin, dengan proporsi pertarungan yang benar-benar mengguncang dunia!".[50]
Film Dragon Ball Z total terdiri atas 15 film sampai 2015. Film ini biasanya dirilis pada Maret dan Juli sesuai dengan liburan musim panas dan semi sekolah Jepang. Mereka biasanya dipasangkan dengan film anime lain dan makanya biasanya panjangnya satu atau kurang dari satu jam. Filmnya sendiri menyajikan kronologi dan desain yang membuat mereka tidak sesuai atau tidak berhubungan dengan serinya. Empat belas film dilisensikan di Amerika Utara oleh Funimation dan semuanya menerima in-house dub dari perusahaan itu. Sebelum Funimation, film ketiga pernah jadi bagian dari sindikasi Saban yang dipotong jadi tiga episode dan tiga film pertama mendapat versi uncut bahasa Inggris pada 1998 yang diproduksi oleh Funimation bersama Ocean Studios dan dirilis oleh Pioneer. Beberapa film telah ditayangkan di Cartoon Network dan Nicktoons di United States, Toonami UK di Inggris Raya dan Cartoon Network di Australia.
Tiga TV spesial berdasarkan Dragon Ball Z telah diproduksi dan ditayangkan di Fuji TV. Dua yang pertama adalah Dragon Ball Z: Bardock - The Father of Goku pada tahun 1990 dan Dragon Ball Z: The History of Trunks pada tahun 1993, yang selanjutnya adalah yang berdasarkan bab spesial dari manganya. Keduanya dilisensikan oleh Funimation di Amerika Utara dan AB Groupe di Eropa. Pada tahun 2013, sebuah crossover yang panjangnya dua jam dengan One Piece dan Toriko yang berjudul Dream 9 Toriko & One Piece & Dragon Ball Z Cho Collaboration Special!!, dibuat dan ditayangkan.
Dengan tambahan, dua animasi video asli (OVA) yang membawa judul Dragon Ball Z juga telah dibuat. Yang pertama adalah Dragon Ball Z Side Story: Plan to Eradicate the Saiyans, yang pertama kali dirilis tahun 1993 dalam dua bagian sebagai "Panduan Visual Resmi" untuk permainan video berjudul sama. Dragon Ball: Plan to Eradicate the Super Saiyans adalah remake tahun 2010 dari OVA ini. Tidak ada OVA yang disulihsuarakan ke bahasa Inggris dan hanya satu yang dirilis di Amerika Utara yaitu remake tahun 2010 yang diberi subtitle dan dimasukan sebagai fitur bonus dalam Dragon Ball: Raging Blast 2.
Ada lebih dari 57 permainan video yang membawa nama Dragon Ball Z yang menjangkau semua platforms mulai dari Nintendo Entertainment System/Famicom sampai konsol generasi terkini. Juga mencakup game arcade seperti Super Dragon Ball Z yang pada akhirnya akan di-port-kan ke konsol.
Di Amerika Utara, hak pelisensian telah diberikan pada Namco Bandai dan Atari. Tahun 1999, Atari memperoleh hak eksklusif untuk permainan video lewat Funimation, sebuah persetujuan yang diperpanjang untuk lima tahun lagi pada 2005.[51] Sebuah perdebatan pada tahun 2007 akhirnya berakhir dengan Atari yang membayar Funimation $3,5 juta.[52] Pada Juli 2009, Namco Bandai dilaporkan telah mendapat hak eksklusif untuk merilis game-game untuk lima tahun ke depan.[53]
Dragon Ball Z telah memiliki sejumlah perilisan soundtrack dengan karya seperti "Cha-La Head-Cha-Ka" dan sebuah seri dari 21 soundtrack dirilis sebagai bagian dari Dragon Ball Z Hit Song Collection Series. Totalnya, ada selusin rilisan Dragon Ball Z yang mencakup bahasa Jepang dan asing yang diadaptasi dari tema anime dan soundtrack video game-nya.
Dragon Ball Z ada di urutan ke-78 acara animasi terbaik dalam "Top 100 Animated Series"[54] IGN dan juga ada di urutan ke-59 kartun terbesar dalam daftar "Top 100 Greatest Cartonns" majalah Wizard.[55] Seri ini diperingkat ke-6 pada Majalah Anime Wizard pada "Top 50 Anime released in North America" mereka.[56]
Popularitas Dragon Ball Z tercerminkan lewat berbagai macam data seperti interaksi online yang menunjukkan popularitas dari media ini. Pada tahun 2001, dilaporkan bahwa situs resmi Dragon Ball Z merekam 4,7 juta hit per harinya dan mencakup 500.000+ fans terdaftar.[57] Istilah "Dragonball Z" ada di peringkat ke-4 pada tahun 1999 dan ke-2 tahun 2000 oleh mesin pencari Lycos.[58][59] Untuk 2001, "Dragonball" adalah pencarian paling populer di Lycos dan "Dragonball Z' adalah yang ke-5 di Yahoo!.[60]
Penyiaran Dragon Ball Z di Jepang sangatlah populer dengan rata-rata rating penonton 20,5%. Dragon Ball Z juga terbukti mendapat rating yang sukses di United States, saat awal dari musim tiga dari Dragon Ball Z tahun 1999 ia menjadi program yang pernah dapat rating tertinggi saat itu di Cartoon Network.[61] Pada tahun 2012, di minggu terakhir September, Dragon Ball adalah program nomor 1 di seluruh televisi dengan siaran televisi Senin, Selasa dan Rabu dari Dragon Ball Z dapat peringkat sebagai tiga program terbaik di semua televisi dan kabel.[62] Tahun 2001, Cartoon Network mendapat lisensi untuk menyiarkan 96 episode lagi dan menayangkan anime Dragon Ball dan ia menjadi acara berperingkat terbaik di Toonami block di Cartoon Network.[63] Awal 26 Maret 2001, Cartoon Network menayangkan promosi spesial 12 minggu "Toonami Reactor" yang memfokuskan pada Dragon Ball Z yang akan dibuat steraming untuk pengguna internet berkecepatan tinggi.[64] Banyak rilisan rumah yang ditemui (baik versi edited atau unedited) yang menempati top 10 video chart di Billboard. Contohnya, "The Dark Prince Returns" (berisi episode 226-228) dan "Rivals" (berisi episode 229-231) yang edited dan unedited telah menjadi daftar video top majalah Billboard untuk 20 Oktober 2001.[65]
Episode pertama Dragon Ball Kai memperoleh persentase rating 11,3 di depan One Piece dan di belakang Crayon Shinchan.[66] Walaupun episode selanjutnya punya rating lebih rendah, Kai selalu ada di antara top 10 anime dalam rating penonton setiap minggu di Jepang.[67][68] Penayangan perdana Dragon Ball Kai di Nicktoons adalah pada Mei 2010 dan tercatat sebagai penayangan perdana dengan rating tertinggi.
Penjualan merchandise Dragon Ball Z sangat sukses di Amerika keuntungan dengan lebih dari $3 miliar dari 1986-2000.
Tahun 2000, MGA Entertainment merilis lebih dari dua puluh mainan yang terdiri atas permainan walkie-talkie dan lainnya.[69] Irwin Toy merilis lebih dari 72 figur yang terdiri atas action figur berukuran 2 dan 5 inci yang menjadi mainan dengan penjualan terbaik di pasar yang didominasi oleh Pokémon Trading Card Game.[70] Irwin Toy akan merilis mainan unik Dragon Ball Z lainnya yang mencakup Flying Nimbus Cloud (Awan Kinton Terbang) bertenaga baterai yang dapat melayang tanpa menyentuh tanah.[71] Pada Juni 2000, Burger King melakukan promosi mainan yang akan memperlihatkan 20 juta patung kecil.
Halloween Association mendapat informasi bahwa kostum Dragon Ball Z menjadi kostum terpopuler ke-4 dalam survei nasional mereka.[72]
Pada Desember 2002, Jakks Pacific menandatangani kontrak tiga tahun untuk lisensi mainan Dragon Ball Z yang boleh jadi dikarenakan kebangkrutan Irwin Toy.[73] Figur berukuran 5 inci Dragon Ball Z dari Jakks Pacific disebut-sebut sangat hebat untuk pewarnaan dan artikulasi.[74]
C'est sorti ce matin et nom d'un camion, c'est MAGIQUE. C'est PARFAIT. Tous mes malheurs disparaissent - même le lavabo bouché et cette tumeur qui gratte. J'ai la banane pour toute la semaine.
Allez le mater maintenant, crénom ! Ils ont même mis les sous-titres officiels en anglais ! Et en français ! C'est gratuit en ligne jusqu'au 31 janvier !
C'est fantastique. Tous les doubleurs sont là, mais c'est prévisible avec les jeux vidéo. Et tout est parfaitement respecté : le timing des musiques, l'entrée des personnages, leur comportement, tout.
Mais ce n'est pas du fan service irréfléchi, comme on en trouve chez la Gainax qui nous sort les mêmes calendriers déprimants avec Rei Ayanami en maillot de bain DONNEZ-NOUS VOTRE ARGENT. Non. Il y a une explication au début pour le gamin ignorant qui regarde ça parce que son papa nostalgique le met devant. Et en deux phrases, Vegeta intègre cette histoire dans le canon officiel sans que ça semble décousu.
Demandez aux fanboys de faire une histoire, et ils vous pondent de la soupe. Là, ce sont des spécialistes, des gens de l'époque qui ont bossé sur ça, tant le moindre clin d'oeil est d'une discrétion parfaite. C'est indéniable : il y a trop de savoir-faire, trop de design exactement issu des années 90 pour que ce soit l'affaire de gens qui capitalisent sur un succès qu'ils ne comprendraient pas, comme on le voit avec Astérix, le film X-Files ou les jeux vidéo Naruto développés par des ricains. Il n'y a pas d'abus, ni trop, ni pas assez.
Si Raptor Jesus s'est sacrifié pour nos péchés, alors ma sexualité s'est sacrifiée pour obtenir cette OAV. Mes posters vont rester sur le mur dix ans de plus pour remercier l'avènement de cette vidéo.
C'est le même dilemme que Megaman 9 : est-ce un projet complètement réalisé de nos jours, ou s'agirait-il d'un story-board dessiné à l'époque et déterré aujourd'hui ? On ne le saura jamais vraiment - mais franchement, on s'en tape. La seule référence au nouveau millénaire, c'est bien Oolong et Plume en soubrettes.
On voit d'ailleurs l'intelligence complète des réalisateurs de ce cadeau de Noël en avance : les boules d'énergie de ce méchant issu du XXIème siècle sont réalisées en images de synthèse, mais le cultissime Kamehameha est dessiné "traditionnellement". Des héros du siècle dernier qui se battent comme toujours face à une nouvelle menace.
Ou pas si nouvelle, en fait : il s'agit d'une petite aventure qui se déroulerait comme dix secondes avant que Goku nous fasse ses adieux sur la dernière couverture du 42ème volume. Ouais, parce que les trois pages pourraves avec Oob, on s'en tape.
C'est aussi bon qu'une fellation, ou plutôt, le souvenir d'une fellation. Forcément, le Tanuki Award 2008 de la plus belle surprise de l'année.
Pendant ce temps, au Grand Tournoi des Tsundere :
dimanche soir minuit, sur #editotaku : résultat des votes entre Nagi contre Haruhi.
AxelT: fin des votesraton-laveur: alors ? raton-laveur: axel > allez cracheraton-laveur: je viens de faire voter jashugan en plusGarric: haruhi gagne on diraitAxelT: nonAxelT: attendsraton-laveur: ALLEZ CRACHE LE MORCEAU AxelT: avant le ménageAxelT: y'a 1 vote en faveur de nagiAxelT: 530 à 529Garric: on la voie en demi en tout casGarric: le resultat est...argggggJashugan: mais de rienJashugan: maintenant tu dois me protéger des haruistes fousTabris: nagi a gagné ?raton-laveur: je l'espereAxelT: ok finiAxelT: haruhi a gagnératon-laveur: allez diskohaku: o/AxelT: 526 à 519Tabris: :(raton-laveur: hmmmmLonginus: YESSSSkohaku: IN YOUR FACEkohaku: BOUMraton-laveur: apres nettoyage ? Mop_: yes!Longinus: asuka vs harui ^^AxelT: vi viraton-laveur: du patron de ? kohaku: GTFO BITCHESNinjilol: osef, kaname a gagnékohaku: raf de kanameAxelT: ... raton-laveur j'ai voté contre haruhi moi hein :praton-laveur: on dit ça on dit ça
Alors que les résultats annonçaient l'élimination de Haruhi Suzumiya à une seule voix d'écart, Axel Terizaki (webmaster d', rappelons-le) déclare quelques votes invalides passés via un proxy et donne la victoire à cette dernière. Nous sommes donc en demi-finale, et ça va chier des bulles : Asuka d'Evangelion contre Haruhi Suzumiya, et Kaname Chidori QUE NOUS FERONS GAGNER contre Rin Tohsaka. C'est une guerre fratricide, mes chers lecteurs, car quatre sites français vont s'étriper sur ces votes. Des amitiés vont se briser, des couples vont rompre, des univers parallèles vont disparaître. C'est une guerre, et nous sommes des soldats. Votez Asuka et Kaname Chidori. Merci.
Japanese media franchise created by Akira Toriyama
Dragon Ball (Japanese: ドラゴンボール, Hepburn: Doragon Bōru) is a Japanese media franchise created by Akira Toriyama in 1984. The initial manga, written and illustrated by Toriyama, was serialized in Weekly Shōnen Jump from 1984 to 1995, with the 519 individual chapters collected in 42 tankōbon volumes by its publisher Shueisha. Dragon Ball was originally inspired by the classical 16th-century Chinese novel Journey to the West, combined with elements of Hong Kong martial arts films. Dragon Ball characters also use a variety of East Asian martial arts styles, including karate[1][2][3] and Wing Chun (kung fu).[2][3][4] The series follows the adventures of protagonist Son Goku from his childhood through adulthood as he trains in martial arts. He spends his childhood far from civilization until he meets a teen girl named Bulma, who encourages him to join her quest in exploring the world in search of the seven orbs known as the Dragon Balls, which summon a wish-granting dragon when gathered. Along his journey, Goku makes several other friends, becomes a family man, discovers his alien heritage, and battles a wide variety of villains, many of whom also seek the Dragon Balls.
Toriyama's manga was adapted and divided into two anime series produced by Toei Animation: Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z, which together were broadcast in Japan from 1986 to 1996. Additionally, the studio has developed 21 animated feature films and three television specials.
An anime sequel spinoff series titled Dragon Ball GT, set 10 years after the event of Dragon Ball Z, was released (1996–1997) to mixed reception.
11 years later, Toei Animation released Dragon Ball: Yo! Son Goku and His Friends Return!, the first animated Dragon Ball film in 12 years.
From 2009 to 2015, a revised version of Dragon Ball Z aired in Japan under the title Dragon Ball Kai, which streamlined the plot by removing the filler material not found in the manga. At the same time, the studio also released 2 new Dragon Ball movies: Battle of Gods and Resurrection of F, in 2013 and 2015 respectively. The plots in the movies were set after the conclusion of Dragon Ball Z.
Following the success of Battle of Gods and Resurrection of F, the studio released Dragon Ball Super, an anime and manga series which also retell the stories from Battle of Gods and Resurrection of F along with new stories. After the anime concluded in 2018, the manga and movies (Dragon Ball Super: Broly and Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero) continued the Dragon Ball Super plot, but both went into hiatus after the passing of Akira Toriyama in 2024.
In late 2024, the studio begin airing Dragon Ball Daima, a brand new anime series set between the events of Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball Super.
In entirety, the main Dragon Ball franchise comprises the following series:
Several companies have developed various types of merchandise based on the series leading to a large media franchise that includes films (both animated and live-action), collectible trading card games, action figures, collections of soundtracks, and numerous video games. Dragon Ball has become one of the highest-grossing media franchises of all time.
The Dragon Ball manga has been sold in over 40 countries and the anime has been broadcast in more than 80 countries. The manga's 42 collected tankōbon volumes have over 160 million copies sold in Japan and 260 million copies sold worldwide,[5][a][c] making it one of the best-selling manga series of all time. Reviewers have praised the art, characterization, and humor of the story. It is widely regarded as one of the greatest and most influential manga series ever made, with many manga artists citing Dragon Ball as a source of inspiration for their own now-popular works. The anime, particularly Dragon Ball Z, is also highly popular around the world and is considered one of the most influential in boosting the popularity of Japanese animation in Western culture. It has had a considerable impact on global popular culture, referenced by and inspiring numerous artists, athletes, celebrities, filmmakers, musicians, and writers around the world.
Earth, known as the Dragon World (ドラゴンワールド) and designated as "Planet 4032-877" by the celestial hierarchy, is the main setting for the entire Dragon Ball series, as well as related media such as Dr. Slump, Neko Majin, and Jaco the Galactic Patrolman. It is mainly inhabited by Earthlings (地球人, Chikyūjin), a term used inclusively to refer to all of the intelligent races native to the planet, including humans, anthropomorphic beings, and monsters. Starting from the Dragon Ball Z series, various extraterrestrial species such as the Saiyans (サイヤ人, Saiya-jin) and Namekians (ナメック星人, Namekku-seijin) have played a more prominent role in franchise media.
The narrative of Dragon Ball predominantly follows the adventures of the Saiyan Son Goku; upon meeting Bulma at the beginning of the series, the two embark on an adventure to gather the seven Dragon Balls, a set of orbs that summon the wish-granting dragon Shenron.[ch. 1] Goku later receives martial arts training from Kame-Sen'nin, meets his lifelong friend Kuririn, and enters the Tenkaichi Budōkai (天下一武道会, lit. "Strongest Under the Heavens Martial Arts Tournament") to fight the world's strongest warriors. When Piccolo Daimao, and later his offspring Piccolo, tries to conquer the planet, Goku receives training from Earth's deities to defeat them. Goku later sacrifices his life to save the planet from his estranged brother Raditz,[ch. 205] but is revived after training in the afterlife under the tutelage of the North Kaio to combat the other incoming Saiyans, Nappa and Vegeta. He later becomes a Super Saiyan and defeats the powerful alien tyrant Freeza; this sets the tone of the rest of the series, with each enemy the characters face becoming stronger than the last, requiring them to attain further training.
Dragon Ball Super establishes that the franchise is set in a multiverse[11] composed of twelve[d] numbered universes, with the majority of the Dragon Ball series taking place in Universe 7 (第7宇宙, Dai-Nana Uchū, lit. "Number Seven Universe"). Each universe is ruled by a number of benevolent and malevolent deities, respectively called Kaioshin and Gods of Destruction who are appointed by a higher being called Zeno, who watches over the multiverse.
Akira Toriyama was a fan of Hong Kong martial arts films, particularly Bruce Lee films such as Enter the Dragon (1973) and Jackie Chan films such as Drunken Master (1978), and wanted to create a manga inspired by martial arts films.[12][13][14] This led to Toriyama creating the 1983 one-shot manga Dragon Boy, which he later redeveloped into Dragon Ball.[15] Toriyama loosely modeled the plot and characters of Dragon Ball on the classic Chinese novel Journey to the West,[16][15] with Goku being Sun Wukong ("Son Goku" in Japanese), Bulma as Tang Sanzang, Oolong as Zhu Bajie, and Yamcha being Sha Wujing.[17] Toriyama wanted to create a story with the basic theme of Journey to the West, but with "a little kung fu"[18] by combining the novel with elements from the kung fu films of Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee.[19] The title Dragon Ball was inspired by Enter the Dragon and later Bruceploitation knockoff kung fu films which frequently had the word "Dragon" in the title,[12] and the fighting scenes were influenced by Jackie Chan movies.[20][17] Since it was serialized in a shōnen manga magazine, he added the idea of the Dragon Balls to give it a game-like activity of gathering something, without thinking of what the characters would wish for.[18] His concept of the Dragon Balls was inspired by the epic Japanese novel Nansō Satomi Hakkenden (1814–1842) from the late Edo period, which involves the heroes collecting eight Buddhist prayer beads, which Toriyama adapted into collecting seven Dragon Balls.[21][22]
He originally thought it would last about a year or end once the Dragon Balls were collected.[23] Toriyama stated that although the stories are purposefully easy to understand, he specifically aimed Dragon Ball at readers older than those of his previous serial Dr. Slump.[24] He also wanted to break from the Western influences common in Dr. Slump, deliberately going for Chinese scenery, referencing Chinese buildings and photographs of China his wife had bought.[25] Toriyama wanted to set Dragon Ball in a fictional world largely based on Asia, taking inspiration from several Asian cultures including Japanese, Chinese, Indian, Central Asian, Arabic and Indonesian cultures.[26] The island where the Tenkaichi Budōkai is held is modeled after Bali (in Indonesia), which he, his wife and assistant visited in mid-1985, and for the area around Bobbidi's spaceship he consulted photos of Africa.[25] Toriyama was also inspired by the jinn (genies) from The Arabian Nights.[27]
During the early chapters of the manga, Toriyama's editor, Kazuhiko Torishima, commented that Goku looked rather plain. To combat this, he added several characters like Kame-Sen'nin and Kuririn, and created the Tenkaichi Budōkai martial arts tournament to focus the storyline on fighting. It was when the first Tenkaichi Budōkai began that Dragon Ball truly became popular, having recalled the races and tournaments in Dr. Slump.[17] Anticipating that readers would expect Goku to win the tournaments, Toriyama had him lose the first two while planning an eventual victory. This allowed for more character growth as the manga progressed. He said that Muscle Tower in the Red Ribbon Army storyline was inspired by the video game Spartan X (called Kung-Fu Master in the West), in which enemies appear very fast as the player ascends a tower (the game was in turn inspired by Jackie Chan's Wheels on Meals and Bruce Lee's Game of Death). He then created Piccolo Daimao as a truly evil villain, and as a result called that arc the most interesting to draw.[17]
Once Goku and company had become the strongest on Earth, they turned to extraterrestrial opponents including the Saiyans (サイヤ人, Saiya-jin); and Goku himself was retconned from an Earthling to a Saiyan who was sent to Earth as a baby.[28] Freeza, who forcibly took over planets to resell them, was created around the time of the Japanese economic bubble and was inspired by real estate speculators, whom Toriyama called the "worst kind of people".[17] Finding the escalating enemies difficult, he created the Ginyu Force to add more balance to the series. When Toriyama created the Super Saiyan (超サイヤ人, Sūpā Saiya-jin) transformation during the Freeza arc, he was initially concerned that Goku's facial expressions as a Super Saiyan made him look like a villain, but decided it was acceptable since the transformation was brought about by anger.[29] Goku's Super Saiyan form has blonde hair because it was easier to draw for Toriyama's assistant (who spent a lot of time blacking in Goku's hair), and has piercing eyes based on Bruce Lee's paralyzing glare.[30] Dragon Ball Z anime character designer Tadayoshi Yamamuro also used Bruce Lee as a reference for Goku's Super Saiyan form, stating that, when he "first becomes a Super Saiyan, his slanting pose with that scowling look in his eyes is all Bruce Lee."[31] Toriyama later added time travel during the Cell arc, but said he had a hard time with it, only thinking of what to do that week and having to discuss it with his second editor Yu Kondo.[17] After Cell's death, Toriyama intended for Gohan to replace Goku as the series' protagonist, but later felt the character was not suited for the role and changed his mind.[17]
Going against the normal convention that the strongest characters should be the largest in terms of physical size, he designed many of Dragon Ball's most powerful characters with small statures, including the protagonist, Goku.[32] Toriyama later explained that he had Goku grow up as a means to make drawing fight scenes easier, even though his first editor Kazuhiko Torishima was initially against it because it was rare to have the main character of a manga series change drastically.[33] When including fights in the manga, Toriyama had the characters go to uninhabited locations to avoid difficulties in drawing residents and destroyed buildings.[25] Toriyama said that he did not plan the details of the story, resulting in strange occurrences and discrepancies later in the series, including changing the colors of the characters mid-story and few characters having screentone because he found it difficult to use.[20][18][23][34] Since the completion of Dragon Ball, Toriyama has continued to add to its story, mostly background information on its universe, through guidebooks published by Shueisha.
During the second half of the series, Toriyama has said that he had become more interested in coming up with the story than actually drawing it, and that the battles became more intense with him simplifying the lines.[20] In 2013, he stated that because Dragon Ball is an action manga the most important aspect is the sense of speed, so he did not draw very elaborate, going so far as to suggest one could say that he was not interested in the art.[33] He also once said that his goal for the series was to tell an "unconventional and contradictory" story.[32] In 2013, commenting on Dragon Ball's global success, Toriyama said, "Frankly, I don't quite understand why it happened. While the manga was being serialized, the only thing I wanted as I kept drawing was to make Japanese boys happy.", "The role of my manga is to be a work of entertainment through and through. I dare say I don't care even if [my works] have left nothing behind, as long as they have entertained their readers."[35]
Written and illustrated by Akira Toriyama, Dragon Ball was serialized in the manga anthology Weekly Shōnen Jump from December 3, 1984, to June 5, 1995,[36][37] when Toriyama grew exhausted and felt he needed a break from drawing. The 519 individual chapters were collected in 42 tankōbon volumes by Shueisha from September 10, 1985, through August 4, 1995.[38][39][40] Between December 4, 2002, and April 2, 2004, the chapters were re-released in a collection of 34 kanzenban volumes, which included a slightly rewritten ending, new covers, and color artwork from its Weekly Shōnen Jump run.[41][42] The February 2013 issue of V Jump, which was released in December 2012, announced that parts of the manga will be fully colored and re-released in 2013.[43] 20 volumes, beginning from chapter 195 and grouped by story arcs, were released between February 4, 2013, and July 4, 2014.[44][45] 12 volumes covering the first 194 chapters were published between January 4 and March 4, 2016.[46][47] A sōshūhen edition that aims to recreate the manga as it was originally serialized in Weekly Shōnen Jump with color pages, promotional text, and next chapter previews, was published in 18 volumes between May 13, 2016, and January 13, 2017.[48][49]
Another manga penned by Ōishi, the three-chapter Dragon Ball: Episode of Bardock that revolves around Bardock, Goku's father, was published in the monthly magazine V Jump from August and October 2011.[50]
The final chapter of Toriyama's 2013 manga series Jaco the Galactic Patrolman revealed that it is set before Dragon Ball, with several characters making appearances.[51] Jaco's collected volumes contain a bonus Dragon Ball chapter depicting Goku's mother.[52]
In December 2016, a spin-off manga titled Dragon Ball Side Story: The Case of Being Reincarnated as Yamcha began in Shueisha's Shōnen Jump+ digital magazine. Written and illustrated by Dragon Garow Lee, it is about a high school boy who after an accident wakes up in the body of Yamcha in the Dragon Ball manga.[53]
Toriyama also created a short series, Neko Majin (1999–2005), that became a self-parody of Dragon Ball.[54] In 2006, a crossover between Kochira Katsushika-ku Kameari Kōen-mae Hashutsujo (or Kochikame) and Dragon Ball by Toriyama and Kochikame author Osamu Akimoto appeared in the Super Kochikame (超こち亀, Chō Kochikame) manga.[55] That same year, Toriyama teamed up with Eiichiro Oda to create a crossover chapter of Dragon Ball and One Piece titled Cross Epoch.[56]
Dragon Ball is one of the most popular manga series of all time, and it continues to enjoy high readership today. Dragon Ball is credited as one of the main reasons manga circulation was at its highest between the mid-1980s and mid-1990s.[57][58] During Dragon Ball's initial run in Weekly Shōnen Jump, the manga magazine reached an average circulation of 6.53 million weekly sales, the highest in its history.[57][58][59] During Dragon Ball's serialisation between 1984 and 1995, Weekly Shōnen Jump magazine had a total circulation of over 2.9 billion copies,[60][e] with those issues generating an estimated ¥554 billion ($6.9 billion) in sales revenue.[e]
Dragon Ball also sold a record number of collected tankōbon volumes for its time. By 2000, more than 126 million tankōbon copies had been sold in Japan alone.[61] It sold over 150 million copies in Japan by 2008, making it the best-selling manga ever at the time.[62] By 2012, its sales in Japan had grown to pass 156 million, making it the second best-selling Weekly Shōnen Jump manga of all time, behind One Piece.[63] Dragon Ball's tankobon volumes sold 159.5 million copies in Japan by February 2014,[64] and have sold over 160 million copies in Japan as of 2016.[65]
The manga is similarly popular overseas, having been translated and released in over 40 countries worldwide.[66] The total number of tankōbon volumes sold have reached 350 million copies worldwide.[67][68][69][70][71] not including unofficial pirated copies; when including pirated copies, an estimated total of more than 400 million official and unofficial copies have been sold worldwide.[h][f][g]
For the 10th anniversary of the Japan Media Arts Festival in 2006, Japanese fans voted Dragon Ball the third greatest manga of all time.[73] In a survey conducted by Oricon in 2007 among 1,000 people, Son Goku, the main character of the franchise, ranked first place as the "Strongest Manga Character of All Time."[74] Goku's journey and his ever-growing strength resulted in the character winning "the admiration of young boys everywhere".[16] Manga artists, such as One Piece creator Eiichiro Oda and Naruto creator Masashi Kishimoto, have stated that Goku inspired their series' main protagonists as well as series structure.[75][76]
Manga critic Jason Thompson stated in 2011 that "Dragon Ball is by far the most influential shōnen manga of the last 30 years, and today, almost every Shōnen Jump artist lists it as one of their favorites and lifts from it in various ways."[77] He says the series "turns from a gag/adventure manga to an nearly-pure fighting manga",[77] and its basic formula of "lots of martial arts, lots of training sequences, a few jokes" became the model for other shōnen series, such as Naruto.[78] Thompson also called Toriyama's art influential and cited it as a reason for the series' popularity.[77] James S. Yadao, author of The Rough Guide to Manga, claims that the first several chapters of Dragon Ball "play out much like Saiyuki with Dr. Slump-like humour built in" and that Dr. Slump, Toriyama's previous manga, has a clear early influence on the series.[79] He feels the series "established its unique identity" after the first occasion when Goku's group disbands and he trains under Kame-Sen'nin, when the story develops "a far more action-packed, sinister tone" with "wilder" battles with aerial and spiritual elements and an increased death count, while humor still makes an occasional appearance.[79] Yadao claims that an art shift occurs when the characters "lose the rounded, innocent look that he established in Dr. Slump and gain sharper angles that leap off the page with their energy and intensity."[80]
Animerica felt the series had "worldwide appeal", using dramatic pacing and over-the-top martial arts action to "maintain tension levels and keep a crippler crossface hold on the audience's attention spans".[81] In Little Boy: The Art of Japan's Exploding Subculture, Takashi Murakami commented that Dragon Ball's "never-ending cyclical narrative moves forward plausibly, seamlessly, and with great finesse".[61] Ridwan Khan from commented that the manga had a "chubby" art style, but as the series continued the characters got more refined, leaner, and more muscular. Khan prefers the manga over the slow pacing of the anime counterparts.[82] Allen Divers of Anime News Network praised the story and humor of the manga as being very good at conveying all of the characters' personalities. Divers also called Viz's translation one of the best of all the English editions of the series due to its faithfulness to the original Japanese.[83] D. Aviva Rothschild of remarked the first manga volume as "a superior humor title". They praised Goku's innocence and Bulma's insistence as one of the funniest parts of the series.[84]
The content of the manga has been controversial in the United States. In November 1999, Toys "R" Us removed Viz's Dragon Ball from their stores nationwide when a Dallas parent complained the series had "borderline soft porn" after he bought them for his four-year-old son.[85] Commenting on the issue, Susan J. Napier explained it as a difference in culture.[85] After the ban, Viz reluctantly began to censor the series to keep wide distribution.[86] However, in 2001, after releasing three volumes censored, Viz announced Dragon Ball would be uncensored and reprinted due to fan reactions.[86] In October 2009, Wicomico County Public Schools in Maryland banned the Dragon Ball manga from their school district because it "depicts nudity, sexual contact between children and sexual innuendo among adults and children".[85]
Additionally, Dragon Ball is an anime television metaseries. Dragon Ball (1986–89), Dragon Ball Z (1989–96), and Dragon Ball Super (2015–18) are set in a uniform main continuity, while Dragon Ball GT (1996–97) and Super Dragon Ball Heroes (2018–24) explore several alternate continuities.
Toei Animation produced an anime television series based on the first 194 manga chapters, also titled Dragon Ball. The series premiered in Japan on Fuji TV on February 26, 1986, and ran until April 19, 1989, lasting 153 episodes.[15] It is broadcast in 81 countries worldwide.[87]
Instead of continuing the anime as Dragon Ball, Toei Animation decided to carry on with their adaptation under a new name and asked Akira Toriyama to come up with the title. Dragon Ball Z (ドラゴンボールZ(ゼット), Doragon Bōru Zetto, commonly abbreviated as DBZ) picks up five years after the first series left off and adapts the final 325 chapters of the manga. It premiered in Japan on Fuji TV on April 26, 1989, taking over its predecessor's time slot, and ran for 291 episodes until its conclusion on January 31, 1996.[15] Two television specials based on the Z series were aired on Fuji TV in Japan. The first special, The One True Final Battle ~The Z Warrior Who Challenged Frieza – Son Goku's Father~, renamed Bardock – The Father of Goku by Funimation, was shown on October 17, 1990.[88] The second special, Defiance in the Face of Despair!! The Remaining Super-Warriors: Gohan and Trunks, renamed The History of Trunks by Funimation, aired on February 24, 1993.[88]
Dragon Ball GT (ドラゴンボールGT(ジーティー), Doragon Bōru Jī Tī, G(rand) T(ouring))[89] premiered on Fuji TV on February 7, 1996, and ran until November 19, 1997, for 64 episodes.[15] Unlike the first two anime series, it is not based on Akira Toriyama's original Dragon Ball manga,[90] being created by Toei Animation as a sequel to the series or as Toriyama called it, a "grand side story of the original Dragon Ball."[89] Toriyama designed the main cast, the spaceship used in the show, the design of three planets, and came up with the title and logo. In addition to this, Toriyama also oversaw production of the series, just as he had for the Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z anime. The television special episode, Goku's Side Story! The Proof of his Courage is the Four-Star Ball, or A Hero's Legacy as Funimation titled it for their dub, aired on March 26, 1997.[91]
In February 2009, Dragon Ball Z celebrated its 20th anniversary, with Toei Animation announcing that it would broadcast a re-edited and remastered version of the Dragon Ball Z anime under the name Dragon Ball Kai (ドラゴンボール改, Doragon Bōru Kai, lit. "Dragon Ball Revised"). The footage would be re-edited to follow the manga more closely, eliminating scenes and episodes which were not featured in the original manga, resulting in a more faithful adaptation, as well as in a faster-moving, and more focused story.[92] The episodes were remastered for HDTV, with rerecording of the vocal tracks by most of the original cast, and featuring updated opening and ending sequences. On April 5, 2009, the series premiered in Japan airing in Fuji TV.[93][94] Dragon Ball Z Kai reduced the episode count to 159 episodes (167 episodes internationally), from the original footage of 291 episodes. Damaged frames were removed, resulting in some minor shots being remade from scratch in order to fix cropping, and others to address continuity issues.[95] The majority of the international versions, including Funimation Entertainment's English dub, are titled Dragon Ball Z Kai.[96][97]
On April 28, 2015, Toei Animation announced Dragon Ball Super (ドラゴンボール超, Doragon Bōru Sūpā), the first all-new Dragon Ball television series to be released in 18 years. It debuted on July 5 and ran as a weekly series at 9:00 am on Fuji TV on Sundays until its series finale on March 25, 2018, after 131 episodes.[98] Masako Nozawa reprises her roles as Goku, Gohan, and Goten. Most of the original cast reprise their roles as well.[99][100] Koichi Yamadera and Masakazu Morita also reprise their roles, as Beerus and Whis, respectively.[100]
The story of the anime is set after the defeat of Majin Buu, when the Earth has become peaceful once again. Akira Toriyama is credited as the original creator, as well for "original story and character design concepts".[101] It is also being adapted into a parallel manga.[102]